Calico Color Variations


Cheeks & Jowls must be the same color


Calico Markings in 2 different colors
No Calico Paintballs Allowed


Calico Markings in 3 different colors
No Calico Paintballs Allowed

Meezer Pointed Calico (MPC)

Creator: Tiffany
Website: SprocketSiamese Points
Chest Patch & Face Stripe Allowed

Gypsy Markings

Creator: Hannikat
Website: The Petz Directory
Same color markings on  jowl, ankle, & tail
Ear Patch Optional
No Other Markings Allowed

Patchwork Markings

Creator: Hannikat
Website: The Petz Directory
Same color markings on  jowl, ankle, & tail
Ear Patch Optional
B&W Chest Patch & Face Stripe Required