Petz Tipz

These tipz were relased on the official site with the release of Petz 4.

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Dogz® and Catz® are virtual Petz™ that live on your computer desktop. From little puppy-Dogz and kitty-Catz, you raise them as they grow, play, and learn together. When they grow up, many will start families of their own.

Petz look to you for care, guidance and training. For every Petz you adopt, you’ll get to sign an Adoption Pledge promising to be a good Petz owner. Make sure your Dogz and Catz get plenty of healthy food, exercise, playtime – and lots of love from you!

Tasty Treatz are one way to reward your Petz for good behavior – just don’t overdo it. Use the Spray Bottle to keep particularly naughty Petz in line. Your Petz will run away if they feel neglected. Please adopt only those Petz you’re sure you want and take good care of them!

  • For a finicky eater, soften their food with water from the kitchen sink.
  • When you adopt your petz they are puppies or kittens, but you can have newborns after your adults fall in love.
  • To help your petz fall in love with each other, spray them with perfume, give them LUV treatz and play tunes to romance them! Heart pillows are helpful too.
  • You can tell your boys from your girls by the color of their icons – blue for boys and pink for girls.
  • The game must be launched (restarted) everyday to signal a new day. Leaving the game running will not register that a new day has begun. This often helps to fix ‘stuck pregnancies’. But if you change your computer’s calendar to advance age your petz, and then set it back, you may CAUSE a stuck pregnancy.
  • Lure your mice out of the mouse hole with cheese.
  • How do you know when your petz are adults? Look in the Petz menu under the Profile option.
  • Some petz get cold in the Snow Scene. Remember to put a sweater on them first by visiting the Clothes Closet.